Our companies find inspiration in doing good—always prioritizing the planet and its people. Of course, we’re not immune to a healthy dose of profit. That’s what keeps us fighting the good fight. With every initiative, we apply science and expertise to see where the world is going, and we use creativity and technology to get there first. In other words? Problem. Solved.
Resilient buildings in a changing climate require an accurate account of physical climate risks and costs—and an actionable plan to reduce them. ClimateFirst software screens for climate risks and provides Climate Value at Risk (CVaR) assessments to confirm the financial risks and inform resiliency planning. The only climate-risk analysis solution built for the commercial real estate sector by a global leader in climate and building-performance engineering, RWDI, ClimateFirst is unmatched in its ability to provide credible, asset-specific insights to inform investment and business decisions.
Accurate weather-related decisions at outdoor constructions sites prevent delays and improve efficiencies—while improving worker comfort and safety. SpotClimate is the go-to app for hyper-localized weather insights, providing instant access to micro-weather data within a 5-meter resolution. Built by climate experts in collaboration with industry partners, SpotClimate enables users to instantly know—and plan for—the weather conditions for every corner of a worksite.
The health of a business depends on the health of its workforce. With indoor air pollutants, including airborne viruses, always changing, so are the health risks to occupants. ParticleOne is virus-resiliency software for buildings. A non-invasive surveillance tool, it empowers organizations to make data-informed, science-based decisions to protect workforces and support business continuity.

Songbird Life Science
Songbird Life Science provides science-based solutions to keep buildings and people safe from pathogens, including COVID-19. With a team of leading engineers in building science, genomic scientists, and biotechnology experts, Songbird develops evidence-based risk-management plans that are customized to the specific needs and use of a space or portfolio of properties. From ventilation and air-quality analysis to emergency response strategies, Songbird delivers precise, yet practical solutions to effectively reduce risk.